We’re glad to announce our integration with BNBchain’s BNB Greenfield!

Feb 15, 2024

At IluminaryAI, user experience and security are our top priorities. In close collaboration with BNBchain, we’ve chosen to utilize BNB Greenfield as our main decentralized storage provider.

Iluminary users will be able to do more than just send crypto; they will securely have the possibility to share and store experiences on the blockchain directly from our wallet app.

As promised, we’re more than just a wallet — IluminaryAI is at the forefront of innovation, bringing blockchain closer to people.

Stay tuned, as this is just the beginning.





Discover iLuminaryAI® Wallet Friendly | Smart | Secure Follow us: https://linktr.ee/iluminary Download app here: https://ilumi.app.link